Phishing is a very real, very dangerous threat to modern businesses, which makes it extremely important that you and your whole team are prepared to spot and mitigate it. One simple framework to do so is known as the SLAM method, so let’s take a few moments to review some tips for using it.
So, what is the SLAM method?
The SLAM method is a framework to help keep phishing prevention practices in mind.
We really can’t overstate how important it is that you keep phishing from having an impact on your business, as it can lead to several other security issues. LinkTech is here to help you do so, as well as attend to various other cybersecurity needs. Give us a call at (605) 644-7360 to learn more.
About the author
David started LinkTech in the summer of 2014 after serving in a variety of IT leadership roles. Since 2017 he as additional held the role of CIO for a local leading hospitality company and has been key in the explosive growth of both organizations. David keeps busy with a hearty mix of business IT strategy, project management, technical consulting, and day-to-day IT operations.
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